October: Links I Love

Some weeks are just rough. They’re a bit too crazy and a bit too stressful and a bit too full of everyday madness, and your head is spinning and your feet hurt and you just need a nap and a coffee (or 3, with shots of espresso). This week was one of those kinda weeks.

Since I needed a pick-me-up, I figured I’d share my fun/inspirational/gorgeous finds in a “Links I Love” post – inspired by Emily at Cupcakes and Cashmere.

At the end of each month, I’ll be blogging pick-me-ups.

Take them in, enjoy them, share them with friends.


1. A terrifically true schpeal for the terrifically ambitious girlies who suffer from do-it-all-itis. (glamour.com)


Photo courtesy of: glamour.com

Photo courtesy of: glamour.com


2. Amazingly beautiful jewelry made by these amazingly inspirational teenagers.

Not to mention this blogger’s entire project. Shine on… (theshineproject.storenvy.com)


3. On being an adult for real. (upworthy.com)


Courtesy of: upworthy.com

Courtesy of: upworthy.com


4. This faux fur coat. Completely. Obsessed. (smakparlour.com)


Courtesy of: smakparlour.com


5. Social experiments like this one. Don’t blink – his outfit, hair, gender and ethnicity might all change…

Happy Hump Day! Cheers to October.


Have some awesome things to share? Send me the links that YOU love. Pick-me-ups welcome, always.



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